Wendy Wallner

EVP, Client Officer, Retail & Restaurants


Wendy Wallner is Executive Vice President at Ipsos and has over 25 years of experience beginning with P&G in brand management, followed by positions at Nielsen, GfK and others.

She has led research practices for North American businesses in Retail, Restaurant, Fashion, Travel industries.

Wendy joined IPSOS, a top global research company, in 2018 to hold positions in Market Strategy, Innovation, UX and Client Management.

This year, Wendy has taken on a new role at Ipsos, leading the US Retail and Restaurant sectors - "R&R". She is thrilled to be in a position, along with other great people and teams at Ipsos, to support and inspire Ipsos retail and restaurant clients, and remains committed to providing the tools and insights they need to thrive in today’s ever-changing landscape.

Wendy is a thought leader in the retail and restaurant industries, with multiple speaking engagements and papers published on topics like inflation, channel blurring, shifting shopping behaviors due to the pandemic, and others.

Wendy holds an AB from Stanford University and an MBA from University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.